The Pitchdoctor

I can work with you on any speech where the stakes are high—sales or IPO pitches, IR presentations, CEO speeches, professional keynote speeches.

I work with the speaker, not just what is written on paper or PowerPoint. We work on the magic of bringing together winning people, winning ideas and a winning pitch—with stories, messages, strategy, and delivery. No it is not voodoo, but a grounded, clearly thought out approach that prioritises what the other person hears and wants to hear, and how people react to what they hear—and then adjusts what you want to say to meet those requirements. We work at a higher level than a typical speechwriter, presentation coach, or PR agent, on any aspect of the verbal persuasion process, making the most of your IQ, EQ and SQ resources.

We usually approach this as a single consulting project and on an ambitious and challenging project I may be willing to put some skin in the game: you win, I win.

Alternatively, we can set this up as a more structured individual or group coaching program, focusing on the Pitchdoctor’s Raindance...

The Raindance

The Raindance is for Rainmakers. It is a laser-focused, take-no-prisoners, winning approach to high-stakes sales pitching.

When you are selling services (technical, professional) or concepts, especially very high value projects, it is essential to link solution and value to problem and cost-of-problem; to differentiate; to validate your credentials. It is even more important to engage and present in a flow that matches the natural flow of thinking of an audience (not of a presenter, which is quite different)—in other words, to assume or provoke an implicit question at the right natural moment, and then answer it.

The Raindance is my own method. It is challenging and ambitious, and not for beginners. It is definitely not ‘the way it is done’ in everyday presentations. I coach or consult on this for experienced presenters and rainmakers who want to increase their win ratio and are willing to think and work their way to this. This methodology assumes an ability to access and listen to customers, to create sticky messages, to tell compelling stories, and to think deeply, creatively and quickly—or we can work on those things as well.

We can work together.
Contact me for more information.